Web and Application Services
Today, mobile device users are more inclined to use this platform for their daily tasks due to its growing rate of usage. A large number of these programs are currently being developed with the purpose of establishing customer to customer (C2C) relations. This company also offers consultation in the field of designing and implementing web and mobile applications.
Security Services
The ever-growing development of technology has provided ease of access to information in different organizations, increasing the necessity to maintain and secure this information. Insufficient attention to information and the organization’s critical points which can cause irreparable damage to the organization structure is acknowledged more than ever before. However, using complex security procedures is not generally approved by managers and employees. By employing its most prominent experiences and operational knowledge, this company provides security solutions in accordance to the organizational culture.
Network and Infrastructure Services
Ojan Tadbir-e Pars Company makes a lot of effort to meet a wide range of customer demands by utilizing the knowledge and experience of its expert employees. These demands vary between network infrastructure, establishing professional Microsoft services, security services, general solutions to information backup and virtualization.